PPG: Meeting Minutes 8th November 2022






  • David Blount - Chair
  • Andrew Cadbury - Co Chair
  • Claire Conway-Wright - Westbank
  • Shirley Beer
  • Arthur Laxton
  • Jan Caig
  • Val Stanley
  • Valerie Santer
  • Lewys Corke - Virtual
  • Lisa Wilkie - Virtual
  • Rhona Abbott - Virtual
  • Helen Burchmore – Virtual
  • Jonathan Elphick - Virtual
  • Susan Thompson - Virtual
  • Claire Batty  - Virtual
  • Amanda Jones - Virtual
  • Roger Crane - Virtual
  • Lynn Dyson - Virtual (Temporary)


  • Cameron Cater - Westbank
  • Alex Cook - Westbank
  • Nina Parnell - WHLC
  • Faith Wood
  • Christine Walter
  • Lynne Furber



David welcomed everyone, with Valarie Santer a new member.



Nina Parnell, Christine Walter, Lynne Furber and Cameron Cater.


Minutes of last meeting

These were approved.


Matters arising from the Minutes

Prescription Renewals online

The problem is that the list of Items ordered on line are getting cancelled, when the information box is used, at the foot of the page.

Cameron has investigated, his report on how to avoid the problem will be circulated with these minutes.

Invitation to Pharmacist to advise us on their additional duties

Lewys Corke [ Boots, Starcross] is not able to attend afternoon meetings.

Claire to approach Will Farmer [Exminster Pharmacy], to see if he can spare time to attend an afternoon meeting.


News from the Practice

Difficult time as 5 Staff are absent [3 with Covid].

It was suggested that patient complaints and plaudits are shared with the PPG Meeting. As there is a lot of positive feedback.

There is a need for care when signing up new patients, to ensure that they reside within the practice boundaries, especially the North of Exminster development that is linked to the Ide Practice. The southern boundary is Shutterton Lane, Dawlish. 

DNA [Did not attend] information would be useful information detailed each month.

The Practice Newsletter contains valuable news, published three monthly. Increased circulation was discussed, it was suggested by email.

Circulating a draft copy to PPG meeting, prior to publication in case additional items from the group, could be included.

 Val Stanley to link up with Alex to progress the idea.


CQC Monitoring

A power point presentation was given by Claire, that was based on the results of a Questionnaire that was circulated to a limited /random selection of the practice’s patients.

A copy of the P.P. Presentation will be circulated to PPG members, via email.

We discussed a number of points arising.

A few Patients are concerned at not being able to see their chosen Doctor on the day.  An item explaining why, was suggested for inclusion in the Practice Newsletter.

Practice is rated good on the CQC measurement, there is an opportunity to identify areas that could be developed, in order to improve to achieve an outstanding rating.

Claire was invited to suggest how the PPG might help to improve on the positive CQC performance results.

The planned questionnaire regarding weekend surgeries will be circulated shortly to All patients. 

Practice has two Paramedics both working four days a week, we would like to hear from one, on their increased responsibilities that they have been trained to take on.


News from Westbank HLC

Social Prescribing is progressing well, with Natalie in charge. Detailing examples of its activities would help publicise the local opportunity for those in need.

 Susan Thompson to feedback on the early development of her new venture in Kenton.

Warm Welcome facility at Westbank HL & LC, Exminster is open on specific days with warm space for the cooler weather, with food bank facilities.   

Similar benefits available at Starcross Pavilion.

A community larder is shortly to be set up in Kenton.


To adopt the PPG Terms of Reference

Val Stanley was thanked for the excellent work done on preparing the Draft Terms of Reference.

A general discussion was undertaken, regarding points arising from the draft copy.

Val will address these and circulate the amended Terms of Reference at the next meeting. 

[The AGM to be on the next meeting agenda].


Use of time/input of Practice Staff

We discussed areas where the PPG can help and aspire.

A topic for next meeting, focusing on Practice Staff, with the possibility that new staff to be invited to a PPG meeting.

It is important that a representative from the Practice attend the PPG meetings each month.


PPG Promotion

Carried forward to next meeting.



Helen Burchmore, expressed the need to engage more with people not able to attend physical meetings.

The issue was covered under agenda item 5. News from the Practice.





Next Meeting Date

  • Tuesday December 13th 2022 2.00pm
  • Westbank HL&LC