Patient Participation Group




The Westbank Practice Patient Participation Group has been running successfully for a number of years. 

The group has arisen out of the enormous support that the Westbank Practice has received from patients in response to impending changes to the local Primary Care Trust. Other reasons include the government's desire for a "Patient Led NHS" and local Quality Frameworks that the practice is urged to work towards.

image of the patient group

We feel it is important to continue to involve patients fully. This group is concerned with the development of the practice and the services to patients. The role of this group is perceived similar to that of critical friends. We are currently engaged in working together to explore ways in which patients' wishes may be fully represented at all levels and to guide the practice in its future direction.

The Group meets on a monthly basis and discusses a variety of issues with regard to the surgeries and services to patients. This often includes the changes taking place within the NHS and how they impact on the Westbank Practice. From time to time we invite guests from other Patient Groups, NHS Professionals and the voluntary sector to discuss relevant ideas and schemes.

We have found that with the busy lives everyone leads, it’s often difficult for patients to attend the regular meetings. We have created a “virtual PPG” allowing patients to contribute to the meetings without having to attend.

This will work by the PPG contacting the virtual members by email ahead of a meeting and asking them to submit subjects for discussion at the meeting. The committee (patients themselves) will review the suggestions received and will try to incorporate as many as possible into the meeting for discussion. Once discussed and actions agreed by the PPG and surgery, these will be communicated back to all members (including virtual members) in the form of written minutes from the meeting by email. Of course, it goes without saying that confidential medical issues cannot be discussed, but if there are general issues suitable for public discussion, anything will be considered.

We pride ourselves on providing an excellent service to our patients and although we are aware that we are considered to be one of the best surgeries in the area, we also recognise that we are not by any means perfect. We would like to learn from patient feedback from a ‘Virtual PPG’ to complement the existing group.

We welcome your thoughts, ideas, suggestions and comments and are delighted to hear from anyone wishing to join the PPG.

You can join the Group using our secure online form or by writing to us.

The Chairman
Westbank PPG
The Surgery
Church Street


Meeting Minutes

Should you wish to access older documents not available on this page, please contact the practice


Terms of Reference 2023


The purpose of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) is to establish a system of communication with all registered patients in the practice, so that their views and concerns are fed back into the practice. The Group will be responsible for communicating news and information from the practice to patients.

The PPG will feedback relevant concerns/issues/good practice to the PPG Network, and other bodies when appropriate such as Healthwatch and CQC.

The decisions made by the PPG will be owned by the group rather than an individual.

Key Tasks and Objectives

The key tasks and objectives are to:

  • Contribute to practice decision making and consult on service development and provision
  • Provide constructive feedback whenever necessary on patient’s needs, concerns and interests to the practice 
  • Represent patients as well as enabling them to understand the practice’s point of view
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Provide a means for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and their own healthcare 
  • Work with the practice to promote health education 
  • Help develop the practice survey and review/discuss the results of any practice surveys and help to develop an action plan as required
  • Action proposals to enable enhanced quality outcomes.


Contribution to the group is voluntary and open to all patients registered at the practice; however there should ideally be a good demographic spread to represent the practice population.

Group meetings will be attended by consistent representatives who will contribute to the Key Tasks and Objectives in a variety of offices/roles.

The group will elect a Chair and Vice Chair who should be a patient registered at the practice. 

The group will elect a Secretary who will take the minutes which will be circulated to all members and made available to any patients on request. The minutes will be recorded on the Practice Website.

Elected Officers will serve a term of one year which may be extended up to a maximum of 3 years.

The practice manager or a support member from the practice team, or one GP will attend each meeting (schedule permitting).

Other members of the practice team may be invited to attend to discuss specific issues.

The meeting will be held and considered quorate when four or more members of the group excluding the designate manager and GP are in attendance.

Decision making will be transparent and noted. Declaration of interest is required by members prior to voting and decision making.

A practice Doctor will attend the AGM (Annual General Meeting).

The group will be affiliated to the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP). NB. Subscription paid by The Westbank Practice

Frequency of Meetings

The group will normally meet monthly (excluding August).

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held which all patients can attend.

Patients will be notified of when this will occur. This will review membership,
project work and wider activities undertaken by the PPG during the year.

Review of Terms of Reference

The terms of reference will be reviewed on an annual basis.