PPG: Meeting Minutes 14th May 2024




Date: Tuesday May 14th 2024 2pm



Attend Y/N/A Attendee Name
Y David Blount - Chair
Y Arthur Laxton - Vice Chair
Y Christine Walter - Secretary
A Claire Conway-Wright - Westbank
Y Alex Cook - Westbank
Y Cameron Cater - Westbank
Y - Part Amanda Kohn - WHLC
Y Anette Grahns-Doan
A Faith Wood
Y Jan Caig
Y Sadie Clarke


David welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Anette. Members then introduced themselves to Anette.




Apologies had been received from Faith and Claire. Amanda was able to join the meeting later.
David announced that Shirley Beer and Valerie Sanger had both resigned from the PPG.



Minutes of last meeting

An amendment in the March minutes was required (on item 6) to amend News from Westbank PLC  to News from Westbank HLC. Cam to amend the copy on the Practice website.  
The Minutes of both meetings were Agreed.



Matters arising from the Minutes

Kenton May Day: David reported that the Kenton May Day event had been very well supported and was very likely to go ahead next year.  It was Agreed that the PPG would consider a presence at next year’s event.



Practice Updates

  • Alex reported that there were 3 new members of staff.  One would cover maternity leave from the end of June and two new receptionists would cover both Exminster and Starcross.
  • The Practice had signed up to to be a Park Run practice and so will promote Park Run as part of health and wellbeing activity.
  • The Practice is becoming heavily involved in research and it was planned that Ben Baker (paramedic) would attend the PPG meeting in July share what he was involved with.
  • The Practice, in liaison with Westbank HLC, were doing what they could to identify carers and trying to make sure that they were given access to appropriate support.   
  • The Practice were trying to raise money for patient transport.
  • Anette suggested approach to local businesses for sponsorship.
  • Arthur suggested that efforts for fundraising should also include a ‘call’ for more volunteer drivers since the need for more volunteers drivers was ever present.
  • Sadie would speak to the Volunteering team about an ‘advert’ for display on waiting room monitors.
  • Christine suggested that if small leaflets were to be produced they could be sited in public places such as the surgeries, churches, Cafe on the Corner, Exminster Garage, Westbank HLC.
  • CREATION OF VIRTUAL PPG:  The Practice could support with sign up via the Practice website.  Discussion followed exploring implementation.  A poster and waiting room monitor display would be produced to invite patients to provide input to the PPG.  
  • The PPG would be referred to as Patient Group.  Sign up emails would go in to the Practice who would filter appropriately for confidentiality/data protection.  Remaining input would then feed in to the PPG.  Communication would be two-way: patients feed in issues/ideas, the PPG could seek feedback on particular issues, the PPG to provide feedback on inputs received.
  • Cam/Sadie to work on poster design and content.



Canvassing patients in the surgery waiting room in an effort to get more input for the PPG:  

It was Agreed that Jan and David would attend the Starcross surgery on Wednesday 29th May
and Anette and Christine would attend Exminster surgery on Thursday 30th.  Times for both would be 2.30-3.30pm.
Result to be reviewed at the June meeting.



News from Westbank PLC

A new Community Development Manager was starting in July.  



PPG Updates in Village Newsletters

Jan would cover the following topics: AGM feedback; Virtual PPG; PPG presence in waiting rooms; need for volunteer drivers.



Discuss preparations for the Open Evening/AGM

There were 13 visitors to the Open Evening - a slight improvement on last year. One person had expressed interest in joining PPG. There were no actions arising from either meeting.
Anette added that she also know of someone else who may be interested in joining.

DEB / All


Discuss ideas for topics that we may wish to feature/include at future meetings – Healthwatch

Carried Forward.




David had received contact from Topsham PPG and would follow-up.






Next Meeting Date: AGM - Tuesday June 11th 2024  2.00pm Westbank HL&LC