PPG: Meeting Minutes 13th December 2022






  • David Blount - Chair
  • Andrew Cadbury - Co Chair
  • Cameron Cater - Westbank
  • Alex Cook - Westbank
  • Arthur Laxton
  • Jan Caig
  • Christine Walter
  • Val Stanley
  • Lewys Corke - Virtual
  • Lisa Wilkie - Virtual
  • Rhona Abbott - Virtual
  • Helen Burchmore - Virtual
  • Jonathan Elphick - Virtual
  • Susan Thompson - Virtual
  • Claire Batty  - Virtual
  • Amanda Jones - Virtual
  • Roger Crane - Virtual


  • Claire Conway-Wright - Westbank
  • Nina Parnell - WHLC
  • Shirley Beer
  • Valerie Santer
  • Lynne Furber



  • Natalie Follows (Social Prescriber)



David welcomed everyone present.



Claire, Nina, Shirley, Valerie Santer and Lynne


Minutes of last meeting

These were approved.

Points Arising

Script renewals, Cam to circulate the answer to the problem in suitable publications.

Invitation to Exminster Pharmacist Will Farmer to address a meeting, the matter is with Claire, 

The PPG News for publishing in the Village Newsletters, Val and Alex to edit this, the deadline dates for all the newsletters are around the 18th of each month.


News from the Practice

There has been an increase in incoming phone calls regarding the availability of certain drugs at the Pharmacy, especially about antibiotics for Strep A.

An appointment of a pharmacist to work in the practice is planned, with ongoing training to become a prescribing Pharmacist. There will be a need to inform Patients what the Pharmacist has to offer. 

A new paramedic Alex Nicholls has been appointed.

Two receptionists have left, a replacement Danielle Rees has been appointed.

We discussed the need to pass our concerns about the NHS matters  to the local PPG Cluster Group and the National PPG Organisation to get greater support on the matters.

Val to draft a letter.



News from Westbank HLC

Nina is retiring early due to ill health.

Amanda Kohn is the Acting head of volunteering.

The Warmwell facility was featured on BBC TV News, it will run until March.  It is being used by people of all ages.

A Falls Prevention Group is to start in the New Year at Westbank HLC. A publicity leaflet is being drafted. It was suggested that the Practice could inform potential patients by text.


PPG Updates in Local Newsletters

See details regarding this, above in item 4.


To adopt the PPG Terms of Reference

These were proposed by David, seconded by Jan and adopted by all present. David to transfer them onto Westbank PPG letter head.

It was suggested that they be displayed in the waiting rooms for  patient’s information.

Val was thanked for drawing up the updated Terms of Reference.


To adopt the PPG Terms of Reference

Val Stanley was thanked for the excellent work done on preparing the Draft Terms of Reference.

A general discussion was undertaken, regarding points arising from the draft copy.

Val will address these and circulate the amended Terms of Reference at the next meeting. 

[The AGM to be on the next meeting agenda].


Use of time/input of Practice Staff

The sharing of statistical information from by the Practice from time to time with the PPG Committee, would be helpful.

We would like hear from the Practice, how we could give more support to the working of the organisation.

We would like to set up a system where the practice could advise the PPG of a particular item of interest at the following meeting.

For example, brief us on the role of the Paramedic.

This would help the PPG understand new roles and we can help the practice by conveying information to patients.

This item to be included on the Agenda for the next meeting.


Set date for the AGM

Proposed date Tuesday 18th April 2023 at 7.00 pm.at Westbank HLC.

We discussed Inviting a doctor to have 5-minute slot, to address the meeting.








Next Meeting Date

  • Tuesday January 10th 2022 2.00pm
  • Westbank HL&LC