Westbank Activity and planned activity information for PPG




1. Baby weaning workshop

Started in September 23 and it was full. We have 2 further workshops between now and the end of November that are already fully booked. The workshop looks at how to successfully wean using natural produce. In 2024 the proposal is to look at the adding in a session in the Community Cookery School. We are collating the feedback form the participants.


2. NHS App

We are developing workshops for early 2024 to support the Practice patients to access the NHS app to book appointments, book vaccines and request repeat prescriptions.


3. Healthwatch

We have contacted Healthwatch, a charity that collects patient experience to ensure that that is fed back to Primary and Secondary Care. I have spoken to the area manager about engaging with PPGs and the PCN to see if we can collaborate.


4. Community Cookery School

Launched with a focus for 2024 on delivering free at the point of access courses for the following groups.

  • Lonely/socially isolated people.
  • Families with young children.
  • Young people (14-18)
  • Those with caring responsibilities and have had to taken on more domestic chores.

5. Patient transport

Remains busy supporting on average 100 patients monthly to attend clinical appointments, support with shopping and accessing community activities.


6. Coffee on the Corner

Delivered workshops through out the summer for families and has a regular Stories and Play on the 3rd Friday of each month. In addition it also offers craft and IT sessions.


7. Social Prescribing

Tanya Tighe has been working with the practice to offer nonclinical support to patients. Tanya will be increasing her hours from 1 November and that will allow her to look at supporting more people in the community. The model reduces visits to the GP and clinical staff as it offers a solution driven model to tackle social isolation, connecting patients to statutory organisations, advocacy and pairing people up with our other services.


8. Westbank are working with the practice to offer 30 free places in our GYM (2024)

For those people who would benefit from supported physical activity but money can be a barrier. If we can collect data and evidence the impact that will allow us to look at funding to support a more substantial project.