Tests and Results




Getting a Result

Results of urine and blood tests usually take at least seven working days to come back from the laboratory. We do not contact you with results. The person ordering the test should tell you whether you need a further appointment after or whether you should phone reception.

Please phone in the afternoon or evening for results as they arrive with us after lunch. The doctor needs to read and interpret each result first.

The receptionist will be able to tell you if any further action is required but is not qualified to discuss the result with you. Should this be necessary, please make an appointment to come in and see your doctor. Alternatively you might book an appointment for the doctor to ring you. 

getting your test results


blood tests

Getting a Blood Test

Book an appointment with the phlebotomist who is at the Surgery every morning Monday to Friday. Please bring your blood request form if you have one. Appointments for blood tests may be booked up to 4 weeks ahead.


Getting a urine test

Bring a urine specimen in before 11am on the day it is done. Please make sure specimens are labelled with the date and your name and DOB. You may have been given a brown form to hand in as well.

The doctor or nurse will have told you if the sample is for dip testing at the practice. This is usually done as a screen for sugar or infection. Please tell the receptionist this information.

If you were told that the sample is to go to the hospital laboratory then there are several rules to follow. The sample must be mid stream, passed the same morning it is brought in, into a sterile bottle obtained from reception. Please label it with your name, date of birth and the days date. If you have a brown form, please enter the date and time the sample was collected in the top right hand corner.

Please note that the laboratory do not do routine pregnancy testing. Fast reliable tests can be purchased at the chemist.