PPG: Meeting Minutes 9th July 2024




Date: 9th July 2024 - 2pm



Attend Y/N/A Attendee Name
Y David Blount - Chair
Y Arthur Laxton - Vice Chair
A Christine Walter - Secretary
A Claire Conway-Wright - Westbank
Y Alex Cook - Westbank
A Cameron Cater - Westbank
A Amanda Kohn - WHLC
A Faith Wood
Y Jan Caig
A Sadie Clarke
Y Anette Grahns-Doan
Y Sheelagh King
Y Ben Baker – Paramedic WP /Guest
Y Pip Morrison – Volunteer Engagement Manager, Westbank /Guest


David welcomed everyone to the meeting and the two guests, Ben Baker (Paramedic) and Pip Morrison (Volunteer Engagement Manager, Westbank) 



Amanda, Christine, Claire, Cam and Sadie were unable to attend today.


Minutes of last meeting

Approve minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2024: The minutes of the last meeting were Agreed.


Matters arising from June's Minutes

  • Patient Transport - ‘advert’ for waiting room monitors - carried over, as Cam not in attendance.
  • NHS App session and Guide – Session cancelled, as WP not prepared to provide the demographic data requested by the training provider.  
  • Pip suggested WHLP volunteer may be able to support the training – carried over to discuss with Claire/Cam. 
  • Repeat prescription process to be conveyed to patients. New action for WP: NHS App leaflet to be distributed to clients.
  • Will Farmer (pharmacist in Exminster) to be invited to attend a PPG meeting – DEB suggested possibly September. Carried over for Claire.

Practice Updates

The recent NHS Friends and Family Test (survey), Claire had flagged at May meeting that due to the anonymity of the responders it is not possible to follow up on issues raised. It was suggested that the survey could include an ‘opt in’ for the respondents’ contact details to be contacted for a follow-up.

Claire/Cam to suggest to the relevant central NHS team, as per May meeting. Alex flagged that resource from WP for this task is a challenge. Carry forward to ascertain contact details/email address for NHS England with Cam/Claire if PPG is to action.

Alex confirmed that texts messages to patients had recently been personalised (this had been identified as an issue at the May meeting for patients sharing a mobile phone). Completed.

One of the WP secretaries has had a baby!


Canvassing patients in the surgery waiting room in an effort to get more input for the PPG:  

Leaflets providing information about the PPG and a separate sheet for sign-up to a virtual PPG had been produced by Sadie.  These were ideal to have for people to take away. David and Jan had visited Starcross surgery waiting room on 29th May 2.30pm-4pm.  Anette and Christine visited Exminster on 30th May 2.30pm-4pm.  Overall it was felt that the sessions were worthwhile.  There had been a positive reception from each person approached and all but 2 people accepted information leaflets about the PPG.  However, as yet there had been no recruitment of new members.  Anette suggested a ‘tear off’ section could be incorporated for those who might be willing to give some immediate feedback.  Claire would consider including information to encourage recruitment and an email link into the PPG in the Practice Newsletter.

Some specific feedback had been collected regarding access to the information on noticeboards in the Exminster surgery for wheelchair users and on follow-on gym sessions at Westbank for those prescribed a course of sessions for rehab. Claire would look to see what can be done regarding noticeboards.  Anette added that font size used in materials should also be considered.  Amanda explained that the rehab gym sessions could be repeated on request and that there were designated hours in the Westbank gym where there was a trained instructor present.  It seemed as if better signposting and communications was required to advise people of options for ongoing rehab activity.

It was Agreed that the activity would be repeated again at morning surgeries in July. Dates to be agreed at the next meeting.

RD&E (Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS FT) has informed that they are interested in finding new Governors. The RD&E website has further information. Discussed that a starting point could be to become a Foundation Trust member.


Research update – by Ben Baker, WP

Ben introduced himself as WP’s Research Fellow. 

The research organisation National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is publishing research for patients to take part, current clinical research studies that are managed by WP are published on the WP’s website.

Discussion held about how to reach out to patents to promote taking part in clinical studies. The PPG suggested community newsletter, practice newsletters, leaflets in waiting rooms and targeted text messages (where appropriate).


Canvassing patients in the surgery waiting room in an effort to get more input for the PPG

Leaflets providing information about the PPG and a separate sheet for sign-up to a virtual PPG had been produced by Sadie – the group suggested a tear-off slip to be added to the leaflet, with two questions for patients: 

  1. What is working well?
  2. What could be even better?

Ideally if the leaflet could be updated with the above questions prior to the next visit on 18 July? Pip to ask Sadie to amend leaflet.
New dates for the next visits: Anette on Thursday 18 July at the Exminster Practice from 2.30. Jan and Arthur to visit the Starcross Practice on Wednesday 24 July. 

Some specific feedback had been collected at the last PPG visit, e.g. regarding accessibility issues to the information on noticeboards in the Exminster surgery for wheelchair users. Anette added that font size used for materials to be considered.  

Claire would look to see what can be done regarding the noticeboard feedback (c/f). Anette volunteered to assist on 18 July.

Also, from the previous patient session > patient feedback received that better signposting and communication required to advise people of options for ongoing rehab activity at Westbank. Carried forward to Amanda and Claire. 


Creation of Virtual PPG - update

David confirmed that we now have approx. a dozen virtual members. They receive an initial acknowledgement from Cam, and are then passed onto David who will be sending them the Meeting Agendas and Minutes, and be invited to provide input, e.g. comments/issues. An update of the Virtual PPG suggested as a standing agenda on the PPG meetings.


Support of other PPGs

Support of other PPGs:  Recent efforts to engage with other PPGs had received little if any response, since COVID some PPGs had struggled to re-establish. Prior to COVID there had been periodic meetings of local groups which had been good forums for sharing and learning.  

Claire is contacting local Practice Managers to propose a meeting later in the year in an effort to re-establish the initiative (carry forward as CCW away).


News from Westbank PLC

Pip introduced herself, as the new Volunteer Engagement Manager – working 3 days/week. She has not had any new volunteer drivers.

The new Community Development Manager - Rosie has started, working full-time.

Also, the HLC has expanded the capacity (hours) of the Health Walk Lead.

Looking to promote the Falls Prevention course and the re-started cookery sessions. 

Pip investigating if Rosie is seeing the need to re-start the Menopause Cafes at Coffee on the Corner – if so a potential lead is identified by the PPG (a GP in Kenton).

(Repeated fr May update:) From September the ante-room at Cafe on the Corner would be used for ‘advice and support’ clinics for anyone who needed help with non-medical issues such as difficulties due to cost of living.


PPG Updates in Village Newsletters

David thanked Jan for the information going into the previous newsletters. 
Next PPG article may include:

  1. Research update from Ben Baker, Paramedic & Research Fellow at Westbank Practice.
  2. A link to the NHS App Guide.
  3. Informing that Westbank HLC is considering whether to seek funding to hold Menopause Café – ask people who are interested to let Rosie at WHLC know.

The future of the NHS in England Health Foundation - run by Ipsos

Anette sharing: The recording, slides and report of the above Ipsos study for the new government is available on Health Foundation’s website.

The overriding message is that people were willing to pay a little more tax to fund the action required to improve the service of the NHS but only if all of the extra tax went into the NHS.


Discuss ideas for topics that we may wish to feature/include at future meetings – Healthwatch

Members were keen to find out more about the organisation, David would look at sharing key info. 

Healthwatch Devon Website

Social Prescribing






David advised that as the PPG do not meet in August he wished everybody a happy summer holiday. 

Next Meeting Date: Tuesday September 10th 2024 2.00pm Westbank HL&LC